IVF Acupuncture

Welcome CCRM patients!

We have created this site to answers your questions about the acupuncture services we provide. Since 2003 our team of licensed acupuncturists have treated thousands of women with the pre and post acupuncture protocol on their day of transfer. Currently, about 60 % of the CCRM IVF patients choose to have acupuncture at the time of their transfer. See our FAQ for more information

Acupuncture and other stress reduction techniques can help women ovulate better.

–Dr. Schoolcraft

Additionally, many women have been referred to our offices for low uterine blood flow treatments. We also have many years of experience treating all aspects of fertility, such as helping to balance the endocrine system, improving ovulation, increasing uterine lining and enhancing egg quality.

What people are saying...

“I haven’t had a headache since you treated me for it last week. I had headaches my previous 2 IVF cycles. I felt a “release” during the treatment it was amazing.”

Answers to your questions

Not sure where to begin? Let IVF Acupuncture specialists answer your questions.